Welcome to Nemaha

Welcome to Nemaha

Welcome to the Nemaha NRD

Protecting Lives, Protecting Property, Protecting the Future…since 1972. That’s when the Nebraska Legislature first charged Natural Resources Districts with a broad range of conservation based responsibilities. However, each NRD is unique with its own specific priorities. The Nemaha NRD encompasses all or parts of the eight southeastern counties in Nebraska, and 21 locally elected directors make local decisions to serve you.


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Advances in agricultural technology have revolutionized the way we can analyze a field’s productivity and profitability. Technology allows producers to look at profitability down to individual acres across their entire operation to see what parts of fields are making money, breaking even, or losing money. If you have acres that are consistently not profitable, the...Read more...

Applications for the Nemaha NRD’s Soil & Water Conservation Program are now being accepted at US Department of Agriculture (USDA) county service centers. Eligible activities through the program include:

  • Establish cool or warm season grasses on cropland
  • Establish trees and/or shrubs
  • Install or renovate terraces, grassed waterways,
  • ...

Last Day to Order Conservation Trees & Shrubs

March 7th, 2025 is the last day to order conservation trees and shrubs through the Nemaha NRD. 

Call the office or email us through our "...Read more


Local Working Group - Natural Resources Conservation Service

Join the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service's Local Working Group meeting. Give local input on priorities for funding across federal conservation...Read more


Chemigation Training (Beatrice)

Chemigation training has been rescheduled.  The chemigation training previously cancelled due to weather has been rescheduled for March 13th at 9 am at the Gage County...Read more