Created in 1998 by the Nebraska Legislature, this program encourages landowners to establish grass or riparian buffers along vulnerable surface water resources. Funding comes from a fee assessed on pesticides registered for sale in Nebraska. Eligible Areas – Any cropland (in annual crops or legumes as part of a rotation) adjacent to perennial or seasonal streams, wetlands, permanent water bodies. (Photo credit NE Department of Agriculture)

Dryland cropland payment rate for land also enrolled in CRP or other government funded programs is 20% of the weighted average soil rental rate per acre. Land not enrolled in another program receives 120% of the rental rate plus $5 per acre, less payments from other sources. In either case the maximum total payment from all sources is limited to $250/acre.
Irrigated cropland enrolled in CRP or other government funded programs shall receive $250/acre minus payments from other sources.
Irrigated land not enrolled in CRP shall receive $225/acre minus payment from other programs.
Payments are made annually on September 30 by the NRD.
General Terms
- Contract length: Five years minimum; 10 years maximum
- Haying & Grazing: Limited (based on NRCS practice requirements)
- Size: Minimum width-20 feet for grass filters and 55 feet for riparian forest buffers; maximum width-120 feet for grass filters and 180 feet for riparian buffers; minimum size per application is 1 acre
- Sign up: Anytime, in person, at your local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office