Prairie Owl Lake

Prairie Owl Lake

Recreation Tabs

General Info.
39 acres (lake: 24.5 acres)
2 1/2 miles south, 1 mile west of Dunbar, Nebraska, in Otoe County

The land around this lake was purchased in 1975 for construction of a flood control dam in the Wilson Creek Watershed. For many years local community organizations maintained the area for public recreation. In ­­­the late 1980s the NRD accepted responsibility for the 39-acre park located 2 ½ miles south and 1 mile west of Dunbar, Nebraska, in Otoe County.

A park entry permit is not required at this park.

No hunting is allowed.

Fireworks are not allowed.

NOTE: This is now a minimal maintenance, pack-in, pack-out park - no trash collection is available. Your cooperation is appreciated!

